Instructor: Steven R. Cranmer   (email, web page)
Instructor's Office:   Duane Physics D-111 (campus), SPSC N-218 (research park)
Course Times:     Fall 2016, Mon./Wed./Fri., 3:00-3:50 pm
Location: Duane Physics, Room E-126
Office Hours: By appointment or drop in (usually at LASP MWF before lunch, Tu/Th all day)
Syllabus: See the most up-to-date PDF version.


This course is an introduction to radiative and dynamical (R&D) processes aimed at graduate students in astrophysics, space physics, and planetary science. R&D is intended to cover a handful of topics that are central to much of astrophysical and planetary sciences, but are rarely encountered at the undergraduate level. We will cover particle collisions and transport phenomena, magnetohydrodynamics, gravitational dynamics (applied to both planetary orbits and N-body systems in galaxies), and a macroscopic treatment of radiation fields. This is a core required course for APS graduate students.

Course Material

This page has links to more information about textbooks and online lecture notes.


Below is a detailed schedule that will list the material to be covered in each class session, links to electronic copies of any handouts and problem sets, and various course deadlines.

  1. Mon., August 22: Introductory lecture. Overview of course syllabus, and some review of necessary background math and physics.

  2. Wed., August 24: Finish review of necessary background math and physics.

  3. Fri., August 26: Transport phenomena: random walks & advection-diffusion equations.
    • Lecture notes (02) for transport phenomena, random walks, and the Langevin equation.
    • Excerpts from the Pathria & Beale stat mech book about the Langevin equation.

  4. Mon., August 29: Transport phenomena: Brownian motion; Langevin equation; fluctuation-dissipation theorem

  5. Wed., August 31: Transport phenomena: Intro to plasmas; Coulomb collisions

  6. Fri., September 2: Transport phenomena: Coulomb collisions; mean free paths; collision statistics

        [Mon., September 5 is Labor Day, no classes.]

  7. Wed., September 7: Transport phenomena: Coulomb collisions; mean free paths; collision statistics
    • Homework 1 due.
    • Homework 2 assigned, due Mon., September 19.

  8. Fri., September 9: MHD: kinetic theory; Vlasov equation; Boltzmann collision term

  9. Mon., September 12: MHD: kinetic theory; Vlasov equation; Boltzmann collision term

  10. Wed., September 14: MHD: Boltzmann collision term; Fokker-Planck equation

  11. Fri., September 16: MHD: Boltzmann collision term; Fokker-Planck equation

  12. Mon., September 19: MHD: fluid moments of the Boltzmann equation for a plasma
    • Lecture notes (05) for fluid moments of the Boltzmann equation; ideal & resistive MHD.
    • Homework 2 due.
    • Homework 3 assigned, due Mon., October 3.

  13. Wed., September 21: MHD: fluid moments of the Boltzmann equation for a plasma; basics of MHD; magnetic pressure and tension

  14. Fri., September 23: MHD: ideal and resistive MHD; magnetic pressure and tension

  15. Mon., September 26: MHD: ideal and resistive MHD; magnetic pressure and tension

  16. Wed., September 28: Ideal MHD applications: potential and force-free fields
    • Lecture notes (06) for ideal MHD applications: force-free fields, MHD waves, and MHD instabilities.

  17. Fri., September 30: Ideal MHD applications: potential and force-free fields; MHD waves

  18. Mon., October 3: Ideal MHD applications: MHD waves; MHD instabilities
    • Homework 3 due.

  19. Wed., October 5: Ideal MHD applications: MHD waves; MHD instabilities

  20. Fri., October 7: Resistive MHD: Braginskii transport coefficients

  21. Mon., October 10: Resistive MHD: Braginskii transport coefficients; magnetic reconnection

  22. Wed., October 12: Resistive MHD: magnetic reconnection; survey of plasma physics "beyond MHD"

  23. Fri., October 14: In-class midterm exam.

  24. Mon., October 17: Survey of plasma physics "beyond MHD"

  25. Wed., October 19: Dynamical processes: the Euler-Lagrange formalism and Hamilton's principle

  26. Fri., October 21: Dynamical processes: 2-body Keplerian motion

  27. Mon., October 24: Dynamical processes: 2-body Keplerian motion, gas drag & migration

  28. Wed., October 26: Dynamical processes: restricted 3-body problem, Roche lobes

  29. Fri., October 28: Dynamical processes: 3-body problem, Hill stability, orbital resonances

  30. Mon., October 31: Dynamical processes: 3-body problem, Hill stability, orbital resonances
    • Homework 4 due.
    • Homework 5 assigned, due Mon., November 14.

  31. Wed., November 2: Dynamical processes: resonances & tidal distortion

  32. Fri., November 4: Dynamical processes: collisions and conservative forces in N-body systems

  33. Mon., November 7: Dynamical processes: collisions and conservative forces in N-body systems

  34. Wed., November 9: Dynamical processes: Boltzmann stellar dynamics; tensor & scalar virial theorem

  35. Fri., November 11: Dynamical processes: Boltzmann stellar dynamics; tensor & scalar virial theorem

  36. Mon., November 14: Dynamical processes: Boltzmann stellar dynamics; tensor & scalar virial theorem
    • Homework 5 due.
    • Homework 6 assigned, due Fri., December 2.

  37. Wed., November 16: Radiation processes: defining the radiation field; equation of radiative transfer
    • Lecture notes (11) for radiation processes: definitions, transfer, & the gray atmosphere

  38. Fri., November 18: Radiation processes: defining the radiation field; equation of radiative transfer

        [November 21-25: Fall Break, no classes.]

  39. Mon., November 28: Radiation processes: solutions in useful limits; gray and irradiated atmospheres

  40. Wed., November 30: Radiation processes: solutions in useful limits; gray and irradiated atmospheres

  41. Fri., December 2: Radiation processes: solutions in useful limits; gray and irradiated atmospheres
    • Lecture notes (12) for radiation processes: non-gray, non-LTE, irradiated atmospheres; spectral lines.
    • Homework 6 due.

  42. Mon., December 5: Radiation processes: beyond the gray atmosphere: non-LTE, non-gray, non-Eddington effects.

  43. Wed., December 7: Radiation processes: irradiated atmospheres; spectral line formation.

  44. Fri., December 9: In-class final exam.