On this page are an assortment of computer codes and observational data sets for public distribution.

Codes and data from published papers:

Cranmer, S. R. 2021, "Brown Dwarfs are Violet: A New Calculation of Human-eye Colors of Main-sequence Stars and Substellar Objects," Research Notes of the AAS, 5, 201.

There have been two bundles of code/data uploaded to zenodo.org in association with this project:

Cranmer, S. R., and Schiff, A. J. 2021, "Electron Heat Flux in the Solar Wind: Generalized Approaches to Fluid Transport with a Variety of Skewed Velocity Distributions," J. Geophys. Res., 126, e2021JA029666.

A public dataset accompanying this paper has been uploaded to zenodo.org at doi:10.5281/zenodo.4927859. The uploaded files include "data behind the figures" and supplementary data for this paper. All files ought to be in standarad "Machine Readable Table" format.

Cranmer, S. R. 2020, "Heating Rates for Protons and Electrons in Polar Coronal Holes: Empirical Constraints from the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer," Ap. J., 900, 105.

A public dataset accompanying this paper has been uploaded to zenodo.org at doi:10.5281/zenodo.3908519. The uploaded files include some "data behind the figures," as well as some supplementary data (e.g., properties of Monte Carlo trial models) for this paper. All files ought to be in standarad "Machine Readable Table" format.

Cranmer, S. R., Bastien, F. A., Stassun, K. G., and Saar, S. H. 2014, "Stellar Granulation as the Source of High-Frequency Flicker in Kepler Light Curves," Ap. J., 781, 124.

We are making available tabulated data for the 508 Kepler stars analyzed in the paper. The table also includes derived masses for each star, as well as predicted values for their convective Mach numbers and light curve fluctuation amplitudes. There is also a short IDL routine that reads the table and makes a plot similar to one of the figures of the paper. These files will be distributted as online-only supplemental material with the journal article, and they are also available here.

Cranmer, S. R., and Saar, S. H. 2011, "Testing a Predictive Theoretical Model for the Mass Loss Rates of Cool Stars," Ap. J., 741, 54.

A brief stand-alone subroutine called BOREAS has been developed to implement the model described in this paper. This code is written in the Interactive Data Language (IDL) and it is included with the paper as online-only material. Packaged with the code itself are plotting routines and data files that allow the user to reproduce many of the results shown in Section 5 of the paper. The most up-to-date version of this material is available here.

Cranmer, S. R. 2010, "An Efficient Approximation of the Coronal Heating Rate for Use in Global Sun-Heliosphere Simulations," Ap. J., 710, 676.

A brief FORTRAN subroutine has been developed to implement the approximations for the coronal heating rate developed in this paper. This subroutine, along with other associated data files, has been made available as ApJ "online-only material." This material is also available here. (See the "readme.txt" file for details about each file.)

Cranmer, S. R., van Ballegooijen, A. A., and Edgar, R. J. 2007, "Self-consistent Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration from Anisotropic Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence," Ap. J. Suppl., 171, 520.

Tabulated plasma properties for three of the models included in this paper (i.e., polar coronal hole, quiescent equatorial streamer, and representative "active region slow wind") are available here. (See the "readme" file for details about the file format.)

Owocki, S. P., and Cranmer, S. R. 2002, "The Link between Radiation-Driven Winds and Pulsation in Massive Stars," Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probes of Stellar Physics, IAU Colloquium 185, 26-31 July 2001, Leuven, Belgium, p. 512.

For reasons of space, only a subset of the plots generated for the BW Vul simulations are included in the paper. Additional plots (in postscript format) are available here.

Cranmer, S. R. 2000, "Ion Cyclotron Wave Dissipation in the Solar Corona: The Summed Effect of More than 2000 Ion Species," Ap. J., 532, 1197.

The Fortran code used to compute the ionization equilibrium of ions from hydrogen to uranium, along with sample output files, is publically available as a gzipped UNIX tar file (112 K). The uncompressed files are also available individually:

Cranmer, S. R., Smith, M. A., and Robinson, R. D. 2000, "A Multiwavelength Campaign on gamma Cassiopeiae. IV. The Case for Illuminated Disk-Enhanced Wind Streams," Ap. J., 537, 433.

Some of the Hubble Space Telescope data that was used in this paper (and in the preceding papers in this series) are archived by the Multi-Mission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST) at this URL.

Other pages:

Inner Heliosphere Prediction Database: In conjunction with the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) team, I've assembled a collection of community predictions for the solar wind conditions that PSP is expected to encounter on its journey in to 10 solar radii.