On June 4-5, 2015, the University of Colorado Boulder hosted a workshop on the topic of the Hale Collaborative Graduate Education (COLLAGE) Program. This program was first proposed in 2011 as a part of Boulder's bid to host the National Solar Observatory. The goal of this short, 1.5-day workshop was to discuss the next steps for the COLLAGE program and to help form the existing and new partner institutions (universities, observatories, national labs) into a more cohesive consortium.

* * * After the workshop, we wrote a brief summary of what was discussed, who participated, and what "action items" we still need to address.

The workshop was held on Thursday and Friday, June 4-5, 2015, at the Laboratory for Atmospheric & Space Physics (LASP):

LASP Space Sciences Building (SPSC)
3665 Discovery Drive
UCB 600, University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80303

Additional details about travel and lodging are here. See the navigation bar above for other information about CGEP and the workshop. For additional information, please contact: Steven R. Cranmer (CU), steven.cranmer@colorado.edu

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Banner image: An SDO image of the extreme-ultraviolet Sun, with model magnetic field lines approaching the visage of pioneering solar astronomer George Ellery Hale.