Each file contains tabulated data for time-steady solar atmosphere models that go from the "deep photosphere" (tau_Ross = 2) to the outer heliosphere (1200 solar radii). These models were published by Cranmer et al. (2007), ApJ Suppl., 171, 520. Column formats: (1) height above photospheric base, in solar radii (2) mass density, in g/cm^3 (3) solar wind outflow speed, in cm/s (4) temperature (one-fluid average), in K (5) radial magnetic field strength, in G (6) Alfven wave amplitude, in cm/s Files: cvb07_pole.dat: polar coronal hole at solar minimum cvb07_equator.dat: equatorial streamer at solar minimum cvb07_active.dat: active region open-flux model, with h = 0.07 Rsun. For the polar coronal hole and equatorial streamer geometry, see Figure 11. The active region model received extra magnetic flux at the base, specified by the "h" parameter (see equation 73). The radial magnetic fields used in the three models are shown in Figure 5. The models have identical lower boundary conditions for the Alfven and acoustic waves/turbulence. The temperatures for all three models are compared with one another in Figure 17. (If you use these models for anything, there's probably no need to cite this web page; just cite the Cranmer et al. (2007) paper.) ADDENDUM (2010): The file 'cvb07_theta28.dat' corresponds to the near-equatorial field line that Hollweg et al. (2010, ApJ, 722, 1495) found best satisfied the Helios Faraday rotation fluctuation measurements. ADDENDUM (2012): I've also added a few other files corresponding to intermediate colatitudes. NOTE: If one is using the Alfven wave amplitude to estimate nonthermal line widths, one needs to divide the tabulated velocity by a factor of sqrt(2), since the observed motions account for only HALF of the total wave energy that exists in the plane transverse to the background magnetic field.