;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; figure_14b.pro: ; Reproduces the results shown in Figure 14b of Cranmer & Saar (2011). ; ; Calls: IDL procedure boreas.pro ; Inputs: ASCII file titled 'evol_track_1Msun.dat' (in current directory) ; Outputs: Plot to current device ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; First read in theoretical 2D grid of ZAMS models. FILE1 = 'evol_track_1Msun.dat' get_lun,unit & openr,unit,FILE1 & readf,unit,npts aage = dblarr(npts) Mstar = dblarr(npts) Rstar = dblarr(npts) Lstar = dblarr(npts) Protday = dblarr(npts) for i=0,npts-1 do begin readf,unit,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 aage(i) = x1 Mstar(i) = x2 Rstar(i) = x3 Lstar(i) = x4 Protday(i) = x5 endfor close,unit & free_lun,unit ; For each star, call BOREAS to compute the theoretical mass loss rate. Mdot_theory = dblarr(npts) FeHnow = 0.0 for i=0,npts-1 do begin BOREAS,Mstar(i),Rstar(i),Lstar(i),Protday(i),FeHnow, $ Rossby,fstar,Mdot,Mdot_hot,Mdot_cold,MATR Mdot_theory(i) = Mdot endfor ; Make a simple plot similar to Figure 14b of Cranmer & Saar (2011). xr = [5.8, 10.4] yr = [-15., -9.] plot,xr,yr, /nodata, $ xstyle=1,ystyle=1,xrange=xr,yrange=yr oplot,aage,alog10(Mdot_theory) oplot,[9.66,9.66],yr, linestyle=1 end