=============================================================================== Title: Stellar Granulation as the Source of High-Frequency Flicker in Kepler Light Curves Authors: Cranmer S. R., Bastien, F. A., Stassun, K. G., Saar, S. H. =============================================================================== File names: analyze_fig4.pro: Example IDL routine that reads in tabular results from the paper's granulation model and makes a plot similar to panels (a) and (c) of Figure 4. cranmer_granule13_kepler.dat: ASCII tabular data file that is read by 'analyze_fig4.pro'. Details about the contents of each column are provided at the end of the file. Language: Interactive Data Language (IDL). Code tested under the following compilers/operating systems: Sun Ultra 20, Linux CentOS release 5.6, running IDL version 7.0 (linux x86_64 m64). Description of input data: The 'cranmer_granule13_kepler.dat' file provides ASCII tabular information that is read in by the IDL procedure. Description of output data: The IDL procedure creates a plot on the current default output device (in order to verify the data has been read in correctly), then ends with the data values still in memory. System requirements: Any system that runs a reasonably recent version of IDL. No special IDL add-ons or packages are needed. Calls to external routines: None. Additional comments: All files are in simple ASCII format. =============================================================================== The AAS gives permission to anyone who wishes to use these subroutines to run their own calculations. Permission to republish or reuse these routines should be directed to the Executive Officer of the AAS. Note that the AAS does not take responsibility for the content of the source code. Potential users should be wary of applying the code to conditions that the code was not written to model and the accuracy of the code may be affected when compiled and executed on different systems. ===============================================================================